What It Was.........!!! By the
Reverend Bad Bob Kientz
I’ve attended numerous gatherings in
my lifetime, most of which were
obligatory and as such boring. This
past weekend certainly did not fit
into any of those categories. We had
300+ students in 1961 that took the
walk and wore the cap. This past
weekend I found that approximately
77 of our fellow students are no
longer around, I think that either
92 or 94 signed up for the reunion
but due to accidents or commitments
we had to drop down to about 85 or
so that ate supper. The
accommodations were the same as when
you last attended, no frills nor
elegance and just a tad costly for
what was given (in my opinion)
howsomever, everything was clean. Carolyn and
Catherine did a extraordinary job
putting the thing together.
I don’t believe I have ever had a more interesting
confab where-in there was very
little (if any) pretentiousness
show-boating, cliquishness, or
braggadocios including arrogant
pretension. The dress was total
casual and almost all of the
conversations were light with ample
amounts of humor interlaced thru
The overall outward appearance of
those in attendance ( as a whole)
was upbeat, the gait appeared to be
strong, attire was locally casual,
(i.e.) jeans, slacks, sport shirts,
etc. Socializing was most prominent
and enjoyable with people moving
freely from one group to another. As
far as I know most everyone in
attendance were there because of a
genuine desire to meet and mingle
with friends from days gone by,
renew old friendships and just
because they wanted to. I applaud
you. Our class was unique in
numerous areas and common in others.
To those of you who were not able to attend for health
reasons, we all wish you well and
please know that you longtime
classmates have you in their
thoughts. Here or not, you still
belong to this marvelous group, and
always will.
All in all it was a wonderful group of students during
the era of Happy Days, and 55 years
later, the people those students
became are even more wonderful. It
appeared everyone had a very nice